A gold coconut wood boat is sailing on two blue papers. This coconut wood was found in Saint Marteen, french caribbean.
On the top of the hull there is a golden thread ribbon from Japan. The sail is made with raphia and gold thread.
Then, three tiny black shells from Moorea ( French Polynesia) rest on a gold paper bought at the “Paper source” shop of Beverly Hills, California USA.
North Latitude 48° 51’ 23.81’’ Est Longitude 2° 21’’ 7.998’’ (Saint Marteen Island, French Caribean)
North Latitude 43° 6’ 20.789’’ Est Longitude 5° 48’ 51.789’’ (Beverly Hills, Californie USA)
South Latitude 17° 32’ 19.837’’ Ouest Longitude 149° 49’ 46.284’’ (Moorea Island, French Polynesia)
Square and Glazed white wood frame, ready to be hung hang or simply to set on a piece of furniture.
Overall dimensions 25X25 cm, thickness 4.5 cm, Interior picture 12X12 cm.
Price 180€
Shipping cost not included